Displaying 73 - 108 of 9386 results



Why your work environment matters – With Group CEO Russ Lidstone

"Life is too short to work with people you don't like or respect." Russ Lidstone grew up in a small fishing town in Devon. Not many can easily get out of that life. To an extent, your roots and background are exactly what defines you, and it's not...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Choosing Brands To Work On For Your First Portfolio

When starting off on your journey to become an art director or copywriter, you've got to put together a portfolio of spec work (fake ads for real brands). But how do you go about choosing the right products and services to make ads for? What types of...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Abusers Always Work from Home, and Wunderman Thompson wants to stop them

We've heard it, we've seen it around - reports of domestic abuse have gone up tremendously during the UK lockdown. The victims are stuck with perpetrators with little to no chance of escaping the loop, a problem which is very much alive as we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brave New Office: the Future of Work sounds... scary

'Keep safe, mate.' I think I’ve heard this more in the past few months than in all the years I spent in London. It feels like a new salute, something you are compelled to say in our email sign-offs or opening lines. I’ve even seen a topic...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


#StayHome: You don't need to go outside to craft amazing work

Creatives are already finding the strength to make amazing work from home. It doesn't happen every day to see a global pandemic take people off the streets. Readers and gamers have long awaited this moment to unsheathe their anti-apocalypse barbed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to choose colours for your design work

Colour theory is extremely important in the world of graphic design since... well... it's found in every piece you'll ever work on. Today, we're going to dive into resources to help you put together colour palettes of your own. I hope this video...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


New Asian food branding builds on Without's Wahaca work

London-based Without Studio has designed the brand and packaging identity for new Asian food brand Kelly Loves, building on its previous work for well-known Mexican food company Wahaca. The branding, inspired by Korean food entrepreneur Kelly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5 tips on how to be happier at work

Four out of five staff admit to feeling burnt out and 73% expect their stress levels to increase in the near future, according to new research from Workfront, a cloud-based modern work management tool for businesses. With these problems having a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2019: Design, Outdoor, Print & Publishing winners announced

The first round of awards were handed out at the opening show of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity last night with focus on the Communication and Health Tracks. Grands Prix in Communications went to Google Creative Lab New York,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Scooter brand Lime slams its riders in new print work

Following rising tension over the reckless riding of electric scooter users in France, leading brand Lime has launched a light-hearted print campaign through Buzzman encouraging better behaviour. As the electric scooter situation in Paris comes to a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bruce Daisley on fixing your work culture

Besides being Twitter’s VP of EMEA, Bruce Daisley is intent on helping creative companies improve their working cultures and hosts the Eat Sleep Work Repeat podcast on the subject. He’s also written a book called The Joy of Work offering...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Who do you work with as an art director?

Art directors in the ad industry (especially at your larger shops), communicate with a lot of people to get the job done. Let's go through the list of who they might interact with on a daily basis once they're out from behind the computer. This...

Posted by: Kevin Forister

WARC to join Cannes Lions’ new digital offering, The Work

Digital subscription business WARC brings expert guidance and insight on marketing effectiveness 15 June 2018 - Cannes Lions today announces that WARC, the global authority on advertising and media effectiveness, will become a part of its digital...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Who will see my work in the Annual 2018?

Every year, we put creativity at the forefront of what we do with our unique award. One of the main questions we get asked each year is, "Who will see the work that I submit?". Winning a Creativepool Annual is not just about celebrating your...

Posted by: Creativepool


All Eyes On You - Visuals That Work

Brand Licensing Europe 2017, a B2B trade exposition for licensing professionals, recently achieved impressive delegate numbers of over seven thousand, five hundred visitors; an increase in four percent in comparison to 2016, and an eleven percent...

Posted by: Phil Michael


Life as a junior. Be prepared to work hardest of all.

Starting out in the creative industry can be hard for anyone, and you should be prepared to feel as though you are doing more work than the MD or CEO. The basics are easy, arrive first or go home last (whichever is noticed), and pretty much be...

Posted by:


We want to see your best work: Enter by Friday, 28th July

Before you go on holiday this summer, you must cross one thing off your to-do list: Entering the 7th Annual Lovie Awards. The Extended Entry Deadline is on 28 July, so don’t delay! The Lovies honours the entire spectrum of the European...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Adobe and mcgarrybowen's hovering art director is the ultimate work toy

Recognising the dynamic between hard-pressed designers and their indecisive art directors, ACHTUNG! mcgarrybowen and Adobe are launching a competition to win the Hovering Art Director action figure. This highly recognisable character promotes the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MediaCom gets smart about helping women back into work

Two leading lights from the UK fashion industry have urged business people from in and around Manchester to support a charity which helps dress women in need for job interviews and a brighter future. Betty Jackson, CBE and Jane Shepherdson, MBE (both...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Enter Your Best Work Into The 21st Annual Webby Awards!

Hailed by The Guardian as the “leading international awards honouring excellence on the Internet,” The Webby Awards introduced a series of new Advertising, Media & PR categories this year, including Best Media Strategy, Cause Related Campaign and...

Posted by: The Webby Awards


Why Kanye West wants to work with IKEA

Rapper, producer and wannabe renaissance man Kanye West has declared his lofty and surprising ambitions to design for Ikea and has called for the Swedish company to collaborate with him on a furniture range. During an interview on BBC Radio 1 with DJ...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why should you work in advertising?

Jacques Séguéla founded the ad agency RSCG. He was also the author of a book called “Don’t tell my mother I work in advertising. She thinks I’m the piano player in a brothel.” According to our data, one in three of...

Posted by: Advertising Association


First Faster Horses work is an epic relaunch campaign for UNIQLO

Sam Walker and Joe De Souza, the former group ECDs and partners at Karmarama, have launched a new creative shop called Faster Horses, and this week announced their first major work; an ambitious relaunch campaign for UNIQLO's flagship store. The new...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Film about free speculative work goes viral

Just over a week ago, a two-minute film called 'Say No To Spec' was released onto the web and has become a viral sensation. Originally created for Strategy Magazine's Agency of the Year competition in Canada, the film calls into question the common...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


JWT and Kantar Media work to understand Gender Diversity

With traditional (and some might argue antiquated) gender roles in a state of rapid flux, it's more important than ever to understand clearly what society as a whole feels about the notion of gender equality. JWT London and media intelligence...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Focal Point: Advice from Tim Jarvis on how to get your work noticed

As one of the driving forces behind the design-led portfolio website Fabrik, Tim Jarvis is no stranger to presenting his work in a beautiful way. He's created brand identities for the likes of The Pressery, London's first almond milk producer, as...

Posted by: Jade French


Pool Party London: Genius at Work

Taylor James make some seriously beautiful work. They’re employing fresh, cross-disciplinary techniques to communicate their clients’ messages. In other words: CGI, Animation, Photography, Live-action, VFX & post are used together in harmony and...

Posted by: Joe Bracken


Enter Your Best Work

Due to overwhelming response from the community, there is now more time to contend for Europe's most prestigious honour for online excellence. The 5th Annual Lovie Awards Extended Entry Deadline is 31 July 2015. Work can be entered in seven...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Ogilvy & Zooppa clean up with IBM work

It was announced recently that Zooppa and Ogilvy took home a Gold award at the 2015 Internationalist Awards for Innovation in Media, which were held on March 26th at the legendary Times Square in New York. The award was for their combined work with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Your Work Here: The Annual 2016 Submissions are now open!

2015 is slowly winding down as the weather appears to be doing likewise, which means it's time for the industry to cast its sights on the new year. It's also that busy time of year where we start to collate all the best work for the Creativepool...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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